- Pub socket sending fail issueLIBZMQ-563Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-563
- Assertion failure "erased == 1 (mtrie.cpp:292)" with multiple subscribers and pushersLIBZMQ-562
- Message not received in SUB when binding the SUB and connecting the PUBLIBZMQ-559Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-559
- problem installing zmq, error in make check: lt-test_last_endpoint: test_last_endpoint.cppLIBZMQ-558
- Race condition when using ZMQ_IDENTITYLIBZMQ-555
- Missing ; in ip.cpp fileLIBZMQ-553
- Closing a socket directly after send discards the messageLIBZMQ-551Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-551
- PUB/SUB with bind on subscriber side not working on version 3.2LIBZMQ-550Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-550
- Disconnect self connectionLIBZMQ-549
- Assertion failed: ok (mailbox.cpp:84)LIBZMQ-547
- Fix compilation errors with ClangLIBZMQ-543Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-543
- Can't install ZeroMQ properly in VS2012 C++LIBZMQ-542
- zmq_close hanging on unused socketLIBZMQ-540
- zeromq REQ/REP broker mode, BUG ?LIBZMQ-535
- zeromq 3.2.3: configure --with-system-pgm doesn't detect openpgm-5.2LIBZMQ-531Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-531
- zeromq 3.2.3: fails to build in MacOSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) - missing strndupLIBZMQ-530
- Compilation problem with Clang on LinuxLIBZMQ-529
- Handle leak on zmq_connect for inproc addrLIBZMQ-528Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-528
- CMake files are missing in source archivesLIBZMQ-527
- Calling zmq_disconnect with an unknown endpoint should set zmq_errno to EINVAL instead of ENOENTLIBZMQ-509
- Calling zmq_unbind with an unknown endpoint should set zmq_errno to EINVAL but fails with ENOENTLIBZMQ-508
- zmq_unbind does not work on endpoints using "inproc" transportLIBZMQ-507
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