Calling zmq_unbind with an unknown endpoint should set zmq_errno to EINVAL but fails with ENOENT
Giving zmq_unbind an unknown endpoint should return -1 and set zmq_errno to EINVAL. Currently it returns -1 and set zmq_errno to ENOENT. I do not know if this is a library bug or a documentation bug. Clarity either way would be appreciated.
Code to reproduce is available in the "issues" repository corresponding to this bug number.
Giving zmq_unbind an unknown endpoint should return -1 and set zmq_errno to EINVAL. Currently it returns -1 and set zmq_errno to ENOENT. I do not know if this is a library bug or a documentation bug. Clarity either way would be appreciated.
Code to reproduce is available in the "issues" repository corresponding to this bug number.