- ZMQ (really OpenPGM) outputs warnings to STDOUTLIBZMQ-483
- PULL sockets connect to themselves preventing PUSH socket to bindLIBZMQ-442
- Pub-sub interoperability between 2.x and 3.xLIBZMQ-409Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-409
- Assertion failed: Bad address (tcp_socket.cpp:229)LIBZMQ-401
- (Semi-)Durable Subscribers and High-Water Marks examples close subscriber socket before ENDLIBZMQ-379
- PUB/SUB Socket Deletion & Recreation Race ConditionLIBZMQ-376Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-376
- On Windows 0MQ sockets handles are inherited by child processesLIBZMQ-366Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-366
- asserton in mailbox.cpp:84 (zeromq-2.1.11).LIBZMQ-356Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-356
- Assertion failure in tcp_socket.cpp:203LIBZMQ-354
- nbytes != -1 (tcp_socket.cpp:211)LIBZMQ-353Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-353
- assert crash on windows server 2008 x64 when trying to send data on a REQ socket.LIBZMQ-352
- Backport send/receive timeout socket option from 3.1LIBZMQ-349
- first mcast message lost when using a multi-part message and subscribing to the headerLIBZMQ-347Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-347
- Cannot build against zmq.hpp in zmq 2.1 under c++11LIBZMQ-342Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-342
- wsa_error_to_errno() calls abort() on WSAEACCESLIBZMQ-329Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-329
- Unexpected behaviour epgm pub/sub socket in case of intensively useLIBZMQ-323Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-323
- Assertion line 84 connect_session.cppLIBZMQ-321
- Connecting to any invalid url (non-local IP, protected port, etc.) with epgm seems to hit an assertLIBZMQ-320Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-320
- send() should not block when there are multiple endpoints where at least one endpoint is accepting transactionsLIBZMQ-319Martin Sustrik
- The zmq_connect() reference is incomplete needs some content from the GUIDELIBZMQ-318Martin Sustrik
- socket_t class included in C++ bindings throws exceptions in destructorLIBZMQ-316Martin Sustrik
- Configuring for Cygwin causes compilation of signaler.cpp to failLIBZMQ-315PieterP
- Subscription trie never shrinksLIBZMQ-305Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-305Martin Sustrik
- libzmq won't build on HPUX 11iv2LIBZMQ-301Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-301Martin Sustrik
- PR #28 broke REP socketsLIBZMQ-284Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-284Martin Sustrik
- push/pull + HWM + slow puller + zmq_close = lost messageLIBZMQ-229Resolved issue: LIBZMQ-229Martin Sustrik
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