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I have project in HP UX (HP-UX dbts02 B.11.31 U ia64 3494992138 unlimited-user license). Using ZMQ to send and recive msg as.
zctx_t *_ctx = zctx_new(); void * _sub = zsocket_new(_ctx, ZMQ_SUB); zsocket_bind(_sub, "tcp://*:1003");
Buil with aCC is sucess.But when run after bind (zsocket_bind) that have error:
Resource temporarily unavailablenbytes != -1 (src/mailbox.cpp:238)ABORT instruction (core dumped)
HP-UX dbts02 B.11.31 U ia64 3494992138 unlimited-user license
I have project in HP UX (HP-UX dbts02 B.11.31 U ia64 3494992138 unlimited-user license). Using ZMQ to send and recive msg as.
zctx_t *_ctx = zctx_new();
void * _sub = zsocket_new(_ctx, ZMQ_SUB);
zsocket_bind(_sub, "tcp://*:1003");
Buil with aCC is sucess.But when run after bind (zsocket_bind) that have error:
Resource temporarily unavailable
nbytes != -1 (src/mailbox.cpp:238)
ABORT instruction (core dumped)