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The attached two scripts behave different on ZMQ3 vs ZMQ2
On 2.1.12:
./ & ./pub.pysending foo foo 1333337287.67got foo 1333337287.67sending foo foo 1333337288.68got foo 1333337288.68sending foo foo 1333337289.68
On 3.1.1:
./ &./pub.pysending foo foo 1333337053.51 <-- first message is droppedsending foo foo 1333337054.51got foo 1333337054.51sending foo foo 1333337055.51got foo 1333337055.51sending foo foo 1333337056.51
linux, zmq 3.1.1 v zmq 2.1.12, pyzmq
The attached two scripts behave different on ZMQ3 vs ZMQ2
On 2.1.12:
./ &
sending foo foo 1333337287.67
got foo 1333337287.67
sending foo foo 1333337288.68
got foo 1333337288.68
sending foo foo 1333337289.68
On 3.1.1:
./ &
sending foo foo 1333337053.51 <-- first message is dropped
sending foo foo 1333337054.51
got foo 1333337054.51
sending foo foo 1333337055.51
got foo 1333337055.51
sending foo foo 1333337056.51