Crash Bug for zeromq2-x compiled with Unicode on Windows
Windows 7 x64 with UNICODE
Cameron Garnham June 15, 2012 at 6:49 AM
"However for every even byte..." actually ODD byte... arrays are 0 indexed...
Just making this comment for future reference. The patch is correct as submitted.
Crash from:
"zmq_assert (false);"
in function: unsigned char zmq::uuid_t::convert_byte (char *hexa_)
line +226 : uuid.cpp
When using UNICODE...
reason: "char *hexa_" refers to "unsigned short * string_buf".
For the first character of the short string_buf, *hexa_ works as expected... However for every even byte, the array returns is NULL.
Therefore not finding the expected value, and causing an assertion crash.
I have submitted a patch to github that solves this issue, and it's assorted issues: